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  Practical Help to Grow Your Business  

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Ways of Working
In the field of advising other businesses, one size most certainly does not fit all!  So, although we use the expression Business Development Programme, in reality this is always a uniquely bespoke form of assistance.

You wouldn't expect us to start suggesting solutions until we fully understood the issues you face, so we don't!  You wouldn't expect us to tie you down to a long-term agreement, so we don't!  You wouldn't expect us to offer help in one specialism when there are other, more pressing issues facing your business, so we don't!

You wouldn't expect any one of us to pretend to be an expert in subjects where we have only passing experience, so we don't!  You wouldn't expect us to tell you what needs doing and then refuse to be available to help you put those ideas into practice, so we don't!

You will also be facing another decision.  Do you want us to do something for you, for always?  Or do you want to be taught how to do it, and maybe have your hand held while you do it the first time?  The choice is yours!

By our ability to offer these promises and these flexible ways of working, businesses are able to invest in activities which they are comfortable with, to remain in control of their costs, and to start getting a just reward for their entrepreneurism.

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Getting Started in Business

Seek advice from a Professional Business Adviser - at the planning stage, not when you've wasted your savings and all the money you could borrow!

Financial Profits

Just in case you only know how to focus on non-financial profits, here's some assistance on the money side.

Customer Centricity

The customer will continually be asking themselves, "What's in it for me?"  Your promotional and sales activities should be continually answering that question, from a position of understanding.

Help for Managers

Great 'doers' don't necessarily make good managers.  Learn how to step away from personal involvement, how to delegate, and how to get the best out of people.

Appointment Making

You can buy Appointments ready made, 'off the peg'; you can pay someone to make appointments just for you, 'bespoke'; or you can cut out the middle man and make appointments yourself!


Personal recommendations are the easiest leads to turn into business, and business networking, when done well, can be a great source of referrals.

Buying Tips

Businesses have suppliers too, so why not get good at buying as well as Marketing and Selling!

Initiatives in Business Development Group Limited.  Helping People and Businesses to Grow.

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