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Your Customers Want Results
They Want Value From The Results
So Set Your Prices By The Value Your Results Create


Get yourself started by grabbing your
free copy of my book

Make Sales Without Selling
SWS Booklet
And Ensure You're Getting Paid
What You're Worth

How do you set your prices?  By adding up your costs and adding a margin?  Or by comparison with what your competitors are charging?  Or do you charge for your time at fixed hourly or daily rates?

Does your industry have going rates, a set rate, an average rate for the job?  Do you have a price structure?  Or do you charge a retainer fee?

If you are truly innovative, how do you set a rate?  How do you know the rate charged is correct?  Or is there a better way?

What is a reasonable price?  Presumably it is what a customer is prepared to pay, and this will be related to the value they derive from their purchase.  But how?

And what is a fair price?  And fair to whom?  If your price is to be perceived as fair by both you and your customer, you must both get a lot of return for your investment.

Why would you want to delay getting hold of your free copy of my book?

Make Sales Without Selling
SWS Booklet

Your customers are not so naïve as to think they should only pay peanuts for everything, otherwise Del and Rodney Trotter would be the only ones still working!  If you were laying on the operating table, would you be demanding the cheapest heart surgeon?

Your customers can get enormously valuable returns from their bargain investment in you whilst you earn hugely profitable fees!  In fact it's both unethical and immoral not to let them!

There are simple answers for you to all of these questions.  Of course, they may be simple but different organisations and people will find them more or less easy to implement successfully.

To get your first taste of what it's all about, get your free copy of my book "Make Sales Without Selling - And Ensure You're Paid What You're Worth"

Make Sales Without Selling

You'll get 30 practical sales techniques that will have customers begging to buy from you - and they're all yours, for FREE!

Author of Make Sales Without Selling

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